Friday, October 12, 2018


Desert Willow is known to botany as Chilopsis Linearis. A goregous and desirable plant, its growth habit results in many long and winding branches, forming delicate and intricate reaching patterns. The terminal branches tend to take on a weeping stature, hence the common name, however true willows are separately classified.
Chilopsis Linearis has long, pale green foliage which flutters in an agreeable way, especially if fortunate enough to experience when all else is silent. A pleasant fragrance can be detected in its presence, adding to the plants magnetic demeanor. Desert Willow produces flowers in small clusters of purple and white shades, followed by long skinny pods containing seeds.
The newer growths on Desert Willow are more smooth, colored with a mix of reds, browns, and grays, while the older branches and trunk harden, thicken, darken, and split or crack. Observing C. Linearis in the area around Pioneertown will show some specimens with new vegitative growths near the main trunk. These clones, sometimes called 'runners' or 'pups' are a result of vegitative reproduction, and can take months or even years before they become completely established.
How the wind it does caress, scented stems in swirling mess, purple flowers hide the space, around us as you kiss my face

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